Git Server on Synology NAS

Short HowTo to install and configure of a Git Server on a Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.

For the normal work no SSH login or a admin account is needed!

1. Installing Git Server

  1. Got to Package Center on Synology and install Git Server
  2. Enable SSH Service from Control Panel -> Terminal & SNMP
  3. Allow users to use Git from Main Menue -> Git Server
  4. Create a new Shared Folder git and authorize the desired users with write permissions, that folder will contains all your Git’s

2. Create a empty Git project template

  1. Login to your Synology using SSH
  2. Create a template
    cd /volume1/git
    git init --bare --shared _template.git

3.1 Start a new empty project on your Computer

  1. Copy the Folder _template.git and name it for your project (Here in the example newproject.git)
  2. Clone the project to your computer
    git clone ssh://<USERNAME>@<SYNOLOGYNAME>/volume1/git/newproject.git

3.2 Use a existing project and push it to the Synology

  1. Copy the Folder _template.git and name it for your project (Here in the example localproject.git)
  2. Initialize the project on your computer and push it to the Synology
    git init 
    git remote add origin ssh://<USERNAME>@<SYNOLOGYNAME>/volume1/git/localproject.git
    git add .
    git commit -m "first"
    git push -u origin master